A creative funk

23 Sep

I’ve been in a little bit of a creative funk lately. If you read my blog you might think it’s lasted a very long time due to my lack of posts. It’s not been that bad. But lockdown and the pandemic did strange things to us all and in particular my motivation and how I spent my time. I’ve still making (I always am) however during the lockdowns I was spending much more time behind a computer screen for work. Which meant I didn’t feel like doing the same in my spare time too. I documented most things over on my Instagram account. Even then it was sporadic.

However I am probably in my worse creative funk EVER. I’ve lost focus and because I’ve not completed much I’m lacking enthusiasm/inspiration for a lot of my creative pursuits. This is due to several reasons, I think. It peaked at the worst of our UK heatwave (I’m the opposite of solar powered – the sun and heat zap my energy) and I’ve struggled to get going again. I’m working really hard in my day job. Often working late which usually means I’m exhausted when I get home and do very little (make tea, cat cuddles and watch some TV). Then my days off I’m resting and recuperating and doing some general house stuff (food shopping, cleaning life admin etc). Then before you know all your spare time has gone. Then there’s the actual projects that could be part if the issues. I also have lots on the go so that’s tricky to balance too. I think it must also have a little to do with my age and energy levels too (maybe).

Mia, a pretty tortoiseshell and white cat cat on a sofa looking at the camera.
Mia – my lovely procrastination buddy

I realise this is normal for most and I don’t have other constrains on my time (kids/other dependants/commitments). However this is very much out of character for me, I’m usually reaching for a project at every opportunity, so I always felt productive too.

It’s not all doom and gloom

I’m not as down as all my ramblings might lead to you conclude. But I am keen to get myself out of this funk and find my creative oomph again. I’ve also been frustrated my things more easily and I’ve lost my nerve with some things (like cutting into fabric). However I always used to find writing blogs posts quite cathartic. So when I mentioned to my friend Jem that I was going to document all my WIPs to try and get my making mojo back, she asked if I was going to write a blog post. I thought, YES! And here it is.

I always used to be a fairly monogamous knitter, start a project and finish it before moving onto the next, maybe I’d have 1 big project and a smaller one on the go and that’s worked for me for years. However last year, as things felt a little strange during lockdown 2/3 (winter 2020 into 2021) I decided to make myself a Make Nine list, which I’ve done before. However last year I did one for sewing and knitting. And I managed to pretty much complete all 18 projects. (side note – you can read notes on this on Instagram). It was great, (though ambitious) it helped me focus and I felt incredibly productive. However I occasionally found myself frustrated by the limits I’d put on myself. As a result I gave myself more free reign this year. I made a looser plan for my make nine this year so I could do additional projects that just took my fancy too. I think this might have been a contributor to my unravelling… so to speak.

My Make Nine project for 2022
My “Make Nine” projects for 2022

I think I like the structure of lists and occasional deadlines (like finishing a particular garment for a certain occasion). However I’ve had several of these bench marks that have been and gone this year. I’ve also had days where I’ve planned ahead to be able to make set some time aside for sewing on a set day and then just didn’t fancy it. I then felt disappointed with myself that I’d wasted the time & not been productive. I know deep down it doesn’t really matter and I should be easier on myself. However making and creating things is such a big part of my life I feel a little broken when I don’t want to do it.

This has turned into more of a stream of consciousness than I thought it would. However writing this has helped my think about how to help myself. I think lists definitely help me. My Make Nine list of projects for 2022 is still relevant. However I am also going to document all my current Work In Progress projects to help me be more realistic and decide what to focus on.  I’ve decided to note down what each project is and what obstacles are preventing me from just getting on with them and maybe set myself a realistic go for completing them.

A have 7 significant project on the go at the moment. If I list them all here now this might turn into a ridiculously long post (even more so), so I’ll start with one and split the rest into 2 more posts;  

WIP 1 – First up are socks from my #MakeNine list. I wanted to knit some socks with a little more interest as most of my hand knitted socks are quite plain. These Dancing Skies Socks by Emily Joy Rickard caught my eye last year. They’re striking with a nice amount of detail. However now I’m knitting them, I don’t always reach for them. Sometimes I just want a simple mindless knit to have on the go, that I don’t have to think about (the irony is not lost on me).

That said now I’ve got into them a lot more (as of last weekend) they’re coming along nicely. I feel there’s always a point in socks when they feel like they’re taking ages and you’ll never finish. I’m hoping I’m now past that. I have a long car journey soon (as a passenger) so hopefully they’ll be a good travel project and I might even get onto the second sock and then it’s plain sailing from there…

Thank you for reading, the next instalment will be shared tomorrow.
Steph : )

2 Responses to “A creative funk”


  1. A Creative Funk – part 2 | Nettynot Creates - September 24, 2022

    […] on from yesterday’s post “A creative funk”. This is part 2 of 3. I’m listing all my unfinished projects and figuring out what obstacles […]


  2. A Creative Funk – part 3 | Nettynot Creates - September 25, 2022

    […] final few unfinished projects… this is part 3/3. You can read part 1 here for some context and part 2 here for my other […]


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